Dear Prospective Partner,
It is our pleasure to invite you to join us and partner with the 8th Congress of the international Foot & Ankle Biomechanics society 2023, which will be held in France. Participating in iFAB 2023 congress as a sponsor is a great opportunity to interact with professionals, specialists on the foot and ankle biomechanics area.
The iFAB 2023 welcomes and values the participation of its sponsor and/or exhibitor and as a voice in the scientific programme through: satellite symposia, educational sponsor: (workshop; training & demonstrations rooms, special session) and technical exhibits. We will offer to you some sponsorship level and one or more additional opportunities to market your company as well like: Lecture sponsored, Award Sponsor (e.g. Best Podium) and social events
(diner and gala receptions).
We want to recognize and thank historic partners, sponsors and exhibitors from our previous congresses who are intending to return, and welcome new organizations and companies to best promote your products and services.
We will incorporate breaks into the scientific program, and schedule food and poster sessions in close proximity to the exhibitor space. Our opportunities span from single booth displays, to multi-booth assemblies.
For any special requests, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will do our utmost to respond positively.
Further, we recognize that many of our sponsors and exhibitors are scientists themselves, and thus, congress registration will be included.
The iFAB 2023 committee is confident that you will be able to promote the vision and values of your business.
Looking forward to sharing and sharing this congress with you.
Best wishes,
Dr Marc Janin, i-FAB2023 Conference Chair.
To know sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, please contact :
CSO - Congrès Séminaires Organisation,
Email : [email protected] Phone : +33 786 432 939
Due to potential travel and meeting restrictions (Covid-19), the Congress might be a hybrid or fully virtual Congress. Once this decision is made, the organizers will contact sponsors who have already signed a sponsorship package (for a fully physical meeting), to discuss the situation and their interest in revisiting the sponsorship.
The Congress Committee reserves the right to make changes to the congress program at any time without notice according to the situation(s) of the moment.